
LendForGood unleashes and harnesses the passion and power of the crowd to provide the capital that impact enterprises around the world need to grow - it envisages a more "Zebra-fied" impact capital market where:

  • collaboration, community and cooperation are core features of impact finance
  • participation in funding the growth of impact enterprises is democratised and builds wealth for all, rather than a select few
  • more flexible capital is available for impact enterprises that puts impact first and keeps impact founders in control of their mission

Through the use of crowd-sourced impact lending , LendForGood enables impact enterprises of all stripes to access the capital they need to grow. It is not limited to for-profit ventures that can sell equity, but is accessible to not-for-profits, cooperatives, charities, mutuals - any type of legal entity that can demonstrate the loan can be put to work to create impact and be repaid. 

We welcome your interest in joining our movement and lending your passion to impact enterprises in your community and around the world. Together, we can provide the capital that impact enterprises need to grow.

To learn more about how LendForGood works, please review our lender briefing deck and watch our lender briefing video.

We would love to see you at one of the upcoming events we have listed on our public events calendar.

When you are ready to take the next steps, fill in the form below with your details and we will send through our lender services agreement for you to sign so you can get started. 

Welcome onboard!

[LendForGood is an initiative of one of the Zebras Unite founding members, Red Hat Impact. ]

By clicking the Submit button, I hereby confirm that I have read the LendForGood lender briefing deck and watched the LendForGood lender briefing video.